
What To Learn From Sex And The City

TODAY IS SARAH Jessica Parker's birthday.

We all know and love SJP (every bit she is known) from her time as Carrie Bradshaw on Sex and the City, that HBO comedy serial that y'all either love, dearest to hate or really love fifty-fifty though you tell everyone you hate it.

To celebrate SJP'southward large day we've taken a expect at the (possibly unrealistic) life lessons we got from Sex activity and the City.

ane. Cosmopolitans are an enjoyable drink and will brand yous look sophisticated

If you've ever had a Cosmopolitan cocktail you accept also probably namechecked Sex and the City. (If you say you haven't you're conspicuously a tremendous liar) and sipped your cocktail while feeling fabulous.

Just like Jason Segel:

yummyyanko / YouTube

You should as well order a Cosmopolitan in any state of affairs

CravingForHome / Tumblr

2. Carrie Bradshaw is wise and super deep

She merely has then much to say. And then. much.

Urban Black 'N White / Tumblr

Aly / Tumblr

The Messy Boy / Tumblr

Le-Sorridere / Tumblr

3. A breakup via Post-It will haunt y'all forever

Remember when Carrie got broken upwardly with via a post-it note?

MultiLoveButterfly / YouTube

She was devastated and ended upward ranting to a stranger nearly in a order. That'southward always the worst

NewyorkNewyork91 / YouTube

4. Life in New York is obviously really glamourous

Charles Guerin/ABACA U.s.a./Empics Amusement

The best matter almost the show was seeing New York in all information technology's celebrity while trying to figure out just how someone who writes a weekly newspaper column can beget designer clothes, a decent sized flat and to eat out every nighttime of the week.

We have ended from our thorough and purely scientific viewing of the show that New York is in fact the city of dreams and we should all merely move there and have Creation for breakfast. Every day.

5. It'south non weird, information technology's just fashion

The Way of those Sex and the City girls, certain didn't they wear some smashing rig outs all the same?

The show was neat for showing us mere mortals how to actually jazz up our look no thing how outrageous.

Like wearing a belt around your bare tummy. Very stylish

Ken Katz/ /EMPICS Entertainment

Roam the streets in your PJs for maximum style

Keep Calm and Wearable Couture / Tumblr

Even Samantha looks a bit fed up with all the mode. It must be exhausting. STYLE.

Ken Katz/ /EMPICS Amusement

6. Samantha is dandy

Some might argue that hyper sexed Samantha is a extravaganza, who is more interested in getting her rocks off than being an interesting person.

We would call those people completely joyless and horrible as she is clearly the all-time thing in the bear witness.

MorbidlyFabulous / Tumblr

The best thing:

lana1912 / YouTube

(some NSFW language in that prune, unsurprisingly)

vii. Carrie was kind of annoying

Like, for a lead character how ANNOYING was Carrie?

There are whole episodes where she'south just then selfish yous'd observe yourself screaming at the Tv set.

Information technology just shows that you can be the star in life fifty-fifty if you're super annoying. How inspiring.

Zenderoglu / Tumblr


8. Great for putting yourself and friends into categories

The all-time thing nearly watching Sex and the Metropolis is the way you can totally just put yourself and your mates into categories depending on the characters in questions.

"Like, you're actually such a Mrianda!"

"Omigod I'k so Carrie though!"

Besides, why does nobody ever desire to exist Samantha i.e. the best one? (See: Point number 6)

hands2101 / YouTube

ix. Sequels are bad

If Sexual practice and the City has taught usa anything it'south that sequels can exist bad. Like, really bad.

Like, "are they for real, is this a spoof, am I on Punk'd even though I'm non famous and don't know Ashton Kutcher?" bad.

Sex and the City 2 is and then, and so bad just watching the trailer for it will have you shuddering in your Manolos (knock offs from Penneys).

TheGodFather2399 / YouTube

10. Charlotte is ridiculous

From the obsession with unrealistic true love to the scene in the get-go film where she poos herself (that'southward correct. Poos herself) Charlotte is conspicuously the most ridiculous member of the group.

Charlotte's ridiculousness can be summed up in this film from the first movie

via MissCatBradley on Twitter

10. Miranda is the simply vaguely believable one

Even though she's meant to be extremely cynical and spends several seasons rocking a actually unflattering haircut, Miranda is the just one of the women you could imagine every bit an actual person (maybe information technology's the haircut).

Before she gets super glammed up in later seasons Miranda is the stressed out, work-aholic one who talks like a real person might equally opposed to the other girls who e'er seem super polished at all times.

Basically, we're all like, total Mirandas.

Maritac2002 / YouTube

11. People falling down is funny / inspirational

The best Sex and the Metropolis moment is the episode where Carrie falls down on the catwalk.

It's inspiring because she gets support and looks wonderful and similar yous always to do that in life etc etc

As well it's really funny because people falling over is always funny. Always.

(some NSFW language in this clip if y'all are for some reason watching SATC clips in your office)

CristinaAndra / YouTube

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