
Is English The Easiest Language To Learn

Height 10 Easiest Languages to Learn

The Top Ten

1 Spanish

I'm learning castilian and information technology is ane of the easiest languages in my opinion. Almost everything is pronounced but like you'd say it in English language, the grammar isn't much worry, at that place aren't many accents and it's easy to heed to once you've learnt it. That existence said, Spanish is the 2nd most spoken language, so I think anybody should try to learn it, considering information technology'due south useful AND like shooting fish in a barrel!

I'm learning Spanish with duolingo and I find information technology like shooting fish in a barrel to acquire but the grammar and word placement I find a little tricky but I know sick go the hang of it because I have Spanish speaking friends.

Actully, English is one of the HARDEST languages to larn! The person that made this is probably English language so he/she/potato thinks English is the easiest

Spanish is much easier than Italian and English. Should be 2d, after Esperanto

2 Esperanto

The clever employ of morphemes means information technology's easy to multiply your discussion knowledge from a single root form because all the endings are regular. You can't do that in English. For language learners, Esperanto makes the correct selection as it gives yous the tools to learn languages apace. 1 TED talk compares information technology to a recorder versus a bassoon. One is easier than the other, teaches you about music and allows you lot to go on playing. If the goal is to connect the earth and not go stuck in localized nuances, Esperanto is the all-time selection. I'1000 on the Duolingo Beta form and it's only so much fun. I don't remember having so much fun with languages!

Everything is simpler and more than regular in Esperanto, yet more flexible and precise than most languages. Yous tin can learn Esperanto in a 10th of the time you can learn any other language. Esperanto texts are easy empathize, in a few weeks of study yous can understand the biggest office of any text. Esperanto is like shooting fish in a barrel to pronounce and easy to understand orally. Esperanto orthography is really like shooting fish in a barrel, straightforward to guess how to write a give-and-take and crystal-clear how to pronounce it.

English pronounciation is though. English comprehension is a nightmare for non-native. English is total of exceptions with also many rules, or not regular: conjugation, plurals, pronouns, cardinal and ordinal numbers, how to make a question, etc.

Why is it easy to acquire? It is an agglutinative linguistic communication. After you lot learn a listing of 10 prefixes and 31 suffixes, every time you lot learn a new root word, you lot know how to express roughly 40 different versions or modifications of its meaning, plus combinations with other root words. Information technology'southward like a "buy one go 40 free" deal on every vocabulary word. If you learn the root for "horse" you can immediately say "stable" "horse meat" "horse herd" "pony" "filly" "stallion", etc. Acquire the verb "to read" and you know right abroad how to say "bookworm" "worth reading" "must-read" "legible" "illegible", etc.

Within a month 1 tin can beginning speaking the language. The teaching book "Esperanto per direct method" has just 22 lessons one tin can stop within a month. Esperanto is such a regular language in its structure and so powerful that with a small-scale number of word roots one can create thousands of words and can combine those words to new words so he can even multiply this number. I studied English for 6 years at the secondary and high school and I was i of the best students, merely I couldn't even speak uncomplicated sentences. I had to spend another year in the prep school at the university to be able to follow the lessons.

three Italian

Like shooting fish in a barrel tio learn with just 10 words maximum you speak well Italian, words like: Coin, mama, home, pasta, pope, vatican, housewife.. It'south an obsolete language spoken simply in some Italian restaurants dorsum kitchens or in Italy by Italian people simply.

Hi, I'1000 Iranian and I speak Persian, English, French, and Italian. I retrieve Italian is the all-time and most beautiful language in the globe...

I am learning Italian through apps and it'south hard, simply still like shooting fish in a barrel enought to where in two days I can count to 20 and know 5+ words.

Italian is the easiest language in the world.

iv Swedish

The grammar and sentence construction is quite basic for a native English speaker.

5 Norwegian

I'd say Norwegian, at to the lowest degree for Indo-European linguistic communication speakers.
Germanic languages accept easier grammar (except for give-and-take order) than Romance languages, which have endless tenses and ways to conjugate verbs.

It'due south like Danish, but with easy pronunciation.

6 Portuguese

Portuguese is easy for english speakers, and for spanish speakers too.

Easier than english, in my opinion, I learned english with 5, portuguese with 2. I'g not from US or United kingdom.

7 English

English isn't actually the easiest linguistic communication to learn for strange language speakers, but is easier for those who speak languages more related to information technology. English is influenced by all languages on Globe, from French, to Greek, to Japanese, so English is a very diverse language. Although we take a developed alphabet, grammar can be difficult for foreigners. There'southward homonyms, nouns that are the same matter when written in plural, contractions. etc.
English language is basically the only linguistic communication I speak (although I can understand some Tagalog and Castilian), and I even so don't understand the tenses of the word "lay" and how to refer to two people, including yourself, possessively (mine and yours? ).

English is very easy to sympathise. I was born in Republic of india initially and then not many people understand English and many people accept stereotypes that Indians can't speak English language properly. When I was about 7, my parents and I immigrated to Singapore, an English language speaking land. It was hard at first, of form, but gradually, my English improved. Many people spoke English, so I was kind of used to information technology. SOO, if yous want to meliorate your English, just talk English oftentimes with your family or friends. AnD EnGliSh iS mY BeSt Bailiwick now. I ScOrEd 89 oUt Of 100. Vanquish tHAt.

English is extremely easy, even for non native speakers.

English has actually been really dumbed down over the years to exist easier to speak. A lot of the tenses and cases and tenses were removed over time. Conjugations were made manner easier. For example, if I wanted to conjugate the infinitive "to cook:"

I cook, You melt, He/she/it cooks, we cook, they cook.

I cooked, You lot cooked, He/she/it cooked, nosotros cooked, they cooked (and cooked is the past participle also)

I will cook, You will cook, He/she/it will cook, we will cook, they will melt

Even other languages that are easy (similar Spanish) have far tougher conjugations that vary way more than depending on the subject. Not to mention, English only has one past tense and no subjunctive tenses at all. If you do research, you volition know that in the by, English was far more hard, simply information technology became easier and easier over time. Modern English speakers wont be able to recognize erstwhile English language at all.

Ok, I will beat it. I lived it upward in Red china for the longest time, and I only spoke Chinese. But then, a hurricane hit and I moved to America with my parents. After a few weeks, I mastered the basics of English, a picayune later on I was astonishing at it, and it was my best subject. I got 100 out of 100, so yes, ha

8 French

I myself learn French and I have experienced it to be very like shooting fish in a barrel. If you are an English speaker, then it will exist way likewise easier for you. The only trouble is vocabulary and verbs. If you primary them and then everything else is absolutely Like shooting fish in a barrel!

Verb conjugations are pretty unproblematic then is virtually grammer. If you know at least one Romance language it will brand the others so much easier because they are extremely similar.

Anybody says French is easiest because it's so commonly taught. It was the only strange language I was always taught in school, and even afterward all of that, I'm all the same terrible.

I find this language and so hard. There is and then many unnecessary conjugations and words for the verbal aforementioned thing. It is very complicated in my opinion.

9 Indonesian

Every bit an Indonesian I have to say that Indonesian is the easiest language to learn. I take learnt, and, to some extent, spoken an awful lot of languages: English, Chinese, French, Italian, Javanese, and Finnish. By far, Indonesian is the easiest to learn because the grammatical structure is the simplest I have encountered. The other languages, especially English, Italian and French, take a lot of exceptions and/or rules that but have to be memorised. In Indonesian, you tin scramble the parts of the sentences and it still makes sense. Secondly, in an effective (daily) conversation nosotros utilize only 500-yard unique words, albeit having a whole more than that in our dictionary. Nosotros tend to keep our sentences brusque and simple, even in written form.

Verb tenses aren't required in this linguistic communication, and also, noun declension is non-existent! Follows the same sentence structure equally English language.

Indonesian is a very like shooting fish in a barrel linguistic communication. I am not Indonesian speaker, just I try to learn It. Grammar is very simple, orthography also and many words are from another languages. Some people says, that Malay/Indonesian will exist in the future, nigh important language.

Rank 11 is still also low for indonesian language, it probably top 5 easiest language.
well if republic of indonesia were more known country I believe more people volition endeavor to learn it and realize how easy it is.

10 Dutch

Seriously? Wasn't Dutch supposed to be the hardest language to larn, next to English language? You know, extremely irregular grammar rules and stuff...
Certain, information technology's specially like to German and English language, and then that is nice for those people >. >
Dutch happens to be my first linguistic communication, then I might not be the best person to estimate (Latin languages would evidently exist way harder for me personally), but still...

I find Dutch very similar to English language. Then if yous already speak English, learning dutch would be very piece of cake for you. Good luck -)

The Contenders

11 Romanaian

12 German

This should be higher on the list and the fact that it is not in the summit five saddens and disgusts me.

German is acually non like shooting fish in a barrel because if you say "Dice Auto" then nobody volition know what y'all are proverb and if y'all say "Das Auto" so information technology is correct.

German is pretty piece of cake. At that place isn't much rules, dissimilar Other Languages.

Information technology is easy, there is many derivatives to the words.

thirteen Afrikaans

Not a very well known linguistic communication, but very like shooting fish in a barrel to learn considering the shared use of Gemranic and Latin roots and practically no genders or conjugations.

Afrikaans literally came most as a simplified Dutch and so it would exist easier for natives to learn.

Its grammar is easy, verbs never modify, only two irregular verbs, no genders and like to German, Dutch, English and Swedish. And it'south spelling is simple as cake

1 of the easiest languages to acquire if you speak a Germanic linguistic communication.

Very easy to acquire. Fun also!

xiv Danish

Other than the pronunciation, the grammer is very close to English. And where information technology does differ the difficulty is either on par with English language or even easier. Verbs only refuse through tense and not by person, the definite suffix takes a bit of getting used to but information technology's a minor thing. The only difficulty is remembering a give-and-take's gender actually. The pronunciation isn't even too bad once you become used to information technology.

Bull! Every bit a dane who grew upward in England, I can reasure you that danish is very hard. There are a ton of silent messages and y'all tin't tell how to spell something by hearing the give-and-take. And nosotros say our Numbers "5 and ninety" which is absolutely ridiculous.

Very piece of cake to read and wright, but communication is very, very tricky because it's a mumbled linguistic communication, and even native Danish speakers tin have difficulty agreement it.

15 Korean

This is the fifth or 4th HARDEST language in the world. NO WHERE Nearly the easiest! It has no relation to whatsoever European language. So anyone with a European first language should find this language exceptionally difficult. Dissimilar speaking, grammar, writing systems, cases, the list goes on and on!

In one case you get past the conjugation system, its pretty easy. Information technology'due south kinda like English except in that location aren't any exceptions to grammar and spelling rules then its easier than English language. Korean doesn't have articles, or two different pronouns like "he" or "she".

The alphabet is simple and for pronouncing, just watch a couple videos of Korean people talking.

16 Turkish

Absolutely one of the about straightforward and systematic languages in the world. The most of import foundation of the grammar is the vowel harmony found in the majority of Turkic languages. No genders! I promise, this is way too easier than Danish (written vs. spoken), Tagalog (kinda complex verbal conjugation) and German (genders aah!)

When you lot finally grasp the word order, which is subject; object; verb, unlike English language (which is my native language), in which English language has subject area; verb; object. Once you lot acquire that, you can get into the linguistic communication and it becomes very like shooting fish in a barrel. At that place are no manufactures (a, the), which makes information technology a lot easier because information technology seems to bespeak to no gendered articles (le, la, un, une, una, lo, dice, der, das, more gendered manufactures.) And overall it is a beautiful linguistic communication.

Notice how everybody who says English is the easiest are the ones who learned English language before whatsoever other language.

English language is my showtime language, but I can tell you that for others, information technology's probably nowhere nearly the easiest.

I've learnt Turkish and its very easy, at that place is only on sound to the letter of the alphabet different English language and generally beautiful.

17 Hindi

Not True! How can it exist!

I sympathize only it's difficult to speak information technology and likewise I tin can't write hindi or sanskrit

18 Swahili

19 Serbian

I'g Slovenian and it'south easy to speak Serbian to me because our languages are very similar.

20 Japanese

I'm one-half Japanese only it is ridiculously hard. Nosotros accept 3 writing structures and nosotros have more than than grand letters and kanji (Chinese characters). Anyone who thinks it is easy needs to get real.

Japanese is hard because it'southward a language isolate. That means that it isn't related to any other languages in the world, not even nearby languages like Mandarin or Korean.

Japanese isn't that hard I say it deserves to be at to the lowest degree at number 3 or iv in my opinion. In other words Japanese really isn't that hard.

Japanese, Because I'1000 Korean. Damn, practise you guys actually think English is easy to larn? Ridiculous

21 Chinese

People are really underestimating the easiness of the Chinese language! Yes there are tones and a writing organization simply it's but like learning any other language. Yous don't even have to conjugate verbs and/or nouns like near European languages

Chinese is only easy if you grew upwardly speaking it. But if you did NOT grow up with Chinese equally your first language... oh my god

If y'all get by the grapheme organization, this linguistic communication actually isn't so bad.
The grammer is crazy unproblematic.

Bloody hard! Remembering how to draw different characters for all the letters

22 Tagalog

A bit of complicated to this language. Since I merely remember that I travel here. 4 years ago I traveled to Philippines to taste some street foods so...I sense of taste them it was and so succulent but non simply ISAW in Philippines that thing is horrible and sounds like a chicken intestine or something else. In July 2,2016. I was practicing learning a Filipino language that I begin to speak and that was an amazing language!

Actually, Tagalog is easy merely hard. Yeah, it is complicated, but sometimes information technology's easy, sometimes it's hard.

As a native Tagalog speaker, I found out that my mother tongue is hard to larn for foreigners.

On English language you lot accept to make the sounds right. In Tagalog you pronounce it literally

23 Toki Pona

This language is basically useless, but it is undoubtedly the easiest to learn. The grammar is ridiculously simple, and there are only well-nigh 120 to 130 words.

You can't get much easier than this. 120 words, extremely simple grammar. How the states this below Latin?

24 Greek

I speak greek and believe me I yet make mistakes. Is very hard

25 Polish

Not the easiest, but not as hard every bit people say. Grammatical cases aren't that hard (except with numbers, but even Poles mess that up all the time) and don't carp learning the endangered Vocative. The Past Tense is and then easy and the pronunciation isn't that hard either. Non every word is equally hard as "Cześć". It's just a coincidence that "Hi" is hard to pronounce.

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